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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

SugarPill Cosmetics = WANT!

 Ok like i Want....wait....noo.....NEED this stuff. Anything from this brand! They have the cutest website andd packaging ever! there stuff is cute.....! expensive but omg so cute.! Did i tell you there CUTE!?? (heres there website btw http://www.sugarpillshop.com/ )
 This Is the Burning Heart Pallete I really need this. i've heard that the colors are really pigmented and Bright :) This is 34$ on there websiteWhich i dont like :(
And this is Sweet Heart Pallete Basically the same as burning heart only diffrent colors. (duh) the price is the same :( 34$ :( on there website
 They also have just little pressed eyeshadow things. i really like these there 12$ :/ On there website
And then they have these GIANT fake Eyelashes!!! And i mean these things are huge! they are 8$ on the Sugarpill Website. And you can reuse em :)

So Yeah i Really want this stuff i've never seen these anywhere else only on there website :) Maybe at Sephora or something like that but....yeah
I wanna get this stuff :)
Look at website!!! i demand you to!

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