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Saturday, October 1, 2011

DIY Lip scrub

What you will need:

Baking soda

Water (Bottled or tap, it doesn't matter.)

Lip Balm

1. Pour about a small button sized amount of baking soda on the palm of your hand
mix baking soda with about half the amount of water. ( a small glass)
The consistency should be thin and gritty.
2. Gently scrub your lips.
Rinse off scrub. (You can also rinse out your mouth because lets just say it's not delicious.)

4. Apply lip balm

This is for a single use, but if you don't want to make a new batch eevery time you want to have your lips "scrubed" you can make a big batch and store it in a air tight container :) make sure its shut really good or it will dry out.

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