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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Avalon Organics Vitamin C Cleansing Gel Review

Price? $8.49 to $11.95

Where can you find it?: Walmart, Natural food stores & On the internet


(out of 5)

This cleanser has a great smell and does a pretty good job of removing dirt & oil from my skin.

As i just stated i adore the smell of this cleanser(Very citurs-y and and  fresh great to wake you up in the morning) and it does a pretty O.K job of removing dirt & oil from my skin, however there is some downfalls to this cleanser, It is a tad bit drying to my skin (and thats just me) and it is not that exfoilating.

Overall this is a o.k cleanser. it smells great and removes most of the dirt & oil on your skin. but is rather drying to my skin and does not exfoiliate that much.
I probally wont buy this again, unless its on sale or something :)

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