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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hard Candy glow all the way Review

Heyy. Umm i use this product alot and i thought i would share it with you(if anybody looks at this "Blog" ) So as you can see (i hope) that this "product" is called Hard candy "Glow All The Way" tropical tan :3 So it's basically a "bronzer" and a Gradual self tanner. now if your looking for a tanner or bronzer or whatever that make's you like snooki or one of those orange things off of charlie and the choclate factory no no you dont want to get this :3 now lets continue.
The goop
 Yeah and this is what the goop looks like.. its sshiny and shimmery and sparkly :3 im really glad that it doesnt give you a snooki tan or something like that it just gives a verry "nice" little tan-ish type shimmery thing *.* so yeah
The.....applicator??? lol
Oh and i forgot to say that you can only get Hard candy items at walmart....no where else:P

Rating: 8/10

Price: i think like $8.00?

Where?: Only at walmart

Repurchase?: Maybe

xoxo, lil.z :)

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