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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

40 Q&A

Okaay so apperently imm gonna answer this questions :3

1. How many times do you wash your face daily?

Once in the morning, Once at night. Unless im too lazy ;o

2. What skin type do you have?

Combination ;OO

3. What is your current facial wash?

I have a million... but i have always loved Clean&Clear facial Cleansers (Escpiaclly morning burst)

4. Do you exfoliate?


5. What brand do you use?

Brand of what??? If scrubs... St. Ives.

6. What moisturizer do you use?
I dont really use a mousturizer....oh what yea i do.. its jergens summer glow or whatever :3

7. Do you have freckles?

No. Theyre cute though

8. Do you use eye cream?

Uhm, no.

9. Do you or did you have acne prone skin?

I dont have ACNE but around my nose and chin i break out alot :(((

10. Did you ever have to use Pro-activ?



11. What foundation do you use?

I dont use foundation. although i have some i dont really use it:P

12. How about concealer?

Not reallyyy :P

13. Do you know your undertone?


14. What do you think of fake eyelashes?

Theyre cool, not for everyday use... But i dont know how to apply them.

15. Did you know that you are supposed to change your mascara every 3 months?

Eh? what? what? but i dont finish a mascara in three months! and i am NOT wasting money. I'll pretend i didnt read that.

16. What brand of mascara do you use?

omfg i have to many to name.. U.U

17. Sephora or MAC?

Botthhh :))

18. What makeup tools do you use in make up application?

Cotton swabs >:D if im super lazy, my fingers >:D

19. Do you use make-up base/primer for the eyes?

I always forget to O_O

20. For the face?

nope ;)

21. What is your favorite eyeshadow (color or shade)?

umm....natural colors and light pastel colors :)

22. Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner?


23. How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil?

... Lets... not discuss this.

24. What do you think of pigment eyeshadows?

There okaay sometime's i have.....trouble with them though U.U

25. Do you use mineral makeup?

Just mineral powder.

26. What is your favorite lipstick?

I don't really wear lipstick. Its all about lip balm & lip gloss n_n

27. How about lipgloss?

i lovvveee lipgloss i use mainly Rimmel Mouisture Renew lipgloss <3

28. What is your favorite blush to use?

lol i dont know

29. Do you buy your makeup on ebay?

Sometimes lol

30. Do you like drugstore makeup?

I live on that xD

31. Did you ever consider taking make-up classes?

NOOO i dont want some person teaching me how to put on MY makeup U.U

32. Are you clumsy in putting on makeup?


33. Name a makeup crime that you hate?

duhhh......?? old ladies that have makeup all the way and past the eyebrows :33

34. Do you like colorful shades of makeup (lipstick, eyeshadow) or neutral ones?

Neutral, i can wear them to school. But i do like colors.

35. Which celebrity always has great make up?

Uhhhhh? >_<

36. If you could leave the house using just ONE make up item, what would you use?


37. Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on?

Yes. O_O

38. Do you think you look good even without any makeup on?


39. In your opinion, what is the BEST makeup line?

I dont know...
I dont have a favorite.

40. What do you think of Makeup?

Makeup... Makeup can help people feel more confident. I dont wear alot of it. I play with makeup. Its fun.

xoxo, lil.z :)

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